Our group Skype discussion on Sunday 17th November was focused around communicating our ideas, during which it became more apparent to me that this course is a journey.
In Module One I found the focus to be on evaluating the past and how that had informed my practice as a dance teacher. Accepting experience had academic value was a revolutionary thought process for me and I found writing the AOL's enlightening. I am now more aware of my practice and why I apply certain principles and teach aspects of my classes in specific ways.
In Module Two having finally chosen a topic for my Inquiry I realise that now the focus has shifted towards how my research will inform my future practice and listening to Sunday's discussion it is evident that in Module Three this journey will further continue.
From the discussion it became apparent to me that this journey has many different pathways and that it is a journey of discovery. There may be contradictions, interconnections and published literature will influence my findings. It is also essential to remember that my life experiences and co-existing belief systems will have an impact upon how I will interpret information so it will be imperative to keep an open mind throughout this process.
From the Skype discussion is was evident that having time to think and keeping focused on the task in hand will be vital in completing Module Two and entering into Module Three, but hopefully by considering others experiences as I progress throughout this course, it will aid my future journey.