Thursday, October 24, 2019

Module Two - Research Focus - Where Do We Begin?

In our Module Two Skype session on 16/09/19 we discussed the research process and where to begin.  Here is my interpretation:

Firstly our research needs to link to our practice and to help us grow within our profession.  By initially looking at the current literature surrounding our topics of interest it will enable us to develop questions, highlight keys areas not already studied and question why?  Any questions resulting from our wider reading should lead to more questions and not answers.  There are no answers - difficult for a perfectionist to hear!  However this will enable our thought processes to evolve which will eventually lead to the development of our research question and once again my perfectionist personality trait does not like it - there is no perfect research question and probably no 'light bulb' moment which from discussion I know that a few of us have been waiting/ hoping for!  However whatever we choose to research it needs to be 'do able' within the time frame and potentially will only 'scratch the surface' of our chosen topic.

We then discussed types of research and how this course lends itself to a more qualitative (non positivist) approach.  This is because there is often different ways of doing things within our professions.  An example of how to teach a pirouette was given.  Lots of teachers will teach the build ups in a different way, plus it will be determined by a variety of factors the weight placement of the student, their turnout (in ballet) etc etc so there is no one way to teach a pirouette.  Whereas with quantitative (positivist)  research there is a definitive answer i.e.  does a drug help cure an illness? - it either does or it does not.

Following which we looked at some types of Methodology:  observations, participant observation and interviews etc and how they may be appropriate to use within our research.  However we are not limited to formalised methods and may develop our own methodology if appropriate. 

We will then need to analyse our data which will vary dependent upon what methodology was used.

Ethical considerations were then discussed.  We will need to highlight any implications of our research and complete a MORE application form with structured questions.  Our research needs to accepted by the University and all ethical considerations need approval otherwise our research would be void.  It was suggested that we look at the MORE form as it will help the structural format of our proposal for this module.

So far the content of this module has felt vast and although I studied research methods at Undergraduate Level I am still struggling to understand all of the terminology and approaches etc.  Fortunately I was able to find cover for work to attend the Skype session, so I hope that my interpretation of what was discussed will help others that were not so lucky.  Good luck everyone!

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